
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I know I’ve been a little absent the last few weeks but this Midwest blizzard is giving me a little extra time. As everyone travels home from their respective Thanksgivings and family gatherings, I’m sure we all have been thinking on what we’re thankful for.

As for me, I had to drive back to college a little earlier than planned due to the weather, and the drive kept me reflective on what I was thankful for. It’s almost harder to leave home after a long break than after a weekend. BUT, being home allowed me to compile a list of things at home and at college that I am most thankful for, and that you graduating seniors should keep in mind as you are about to embark on the last part of your journey in high school.


  1. Family- Okay, this one may seem like an obvious one but I truly think we take our families for granted. When I was home for break my sisters and brothers went almost everywhere with me when I left home (so did my dog!) and although they didn’t say it out loud, it was clear to me that they miss me being home all the time. And I miss them, too! It’s weird going from 3 siblings around you all the time to none.
  2. Food- Another obvious one, but especially because it was Thanksgiving, home-cooked meals taste a heckeva lot better than cafeteria food! Enjoy a variety of meat instead of frozen hamburger patties and chicken. Eat the vegetables while they are prepared. Eat some fruit. College seems to be lacking in those areas…
  3. My House- There’s something about being in your own house that puts the mind at ease. I feel more comfortable being in my own house than being in a dorm, and I also enjoy having carpet( which college also lacks in). And the Christmas decor at home puts my 3 ft dorm tree to shame.
  4. My Community- This weekend my high school was talented enough and worked hard enough to make school history. Our football team made it to the State Semi-Finals game! I was blessed enough to be able to watch it, surrounded by family (biological and not) and friends. We ended up losing, but the sense of school pride and the amount of people from the community who came out to watch was amazing! Being surrounded with that kind of atmosphere can make a girl miss high school…


  1. Independence- Ironically, while at home I miss college and while at college I miss home. When I’m at college, I’m pretty much on my own, leaving anything I do up to me. It’s a weird balance to come home and need to tell your mom where, when, and what you’re going to do when you leave the house. I think I speak for most college students when I say that the sense of independence is one of the most rewarding things about college- you have to learn to make adult decisions and you are in charge of your own wellbeing.
  2. The Dorm- As weird as this may seem, I actually really enjoy living in the dorms. My high school College Prep teacher once told us that college was the only time in your life where you lived surrounded by your best friends 24/7.  And she was absolutely right! I know a lot of the people I live with, and my floor regularly does things together. Last week we had a floor decorating party complete with sparkling grape juice before we left for break! Around halloween, we hosted a trick-or-treat in the dorms! Now, if I could only track down who stole my flamingo socks from the laundry room…
  3. Wifi- Now this isn’t something everyone agrees with me on…In fact, I hear a lot of people complain about the Wifi at my school. But for me, it’s fantastic! My Wifi at home is spotty at best so having Wifi 24/7 at college has been great.
  4. The Non-Judgemental Atmosphere- In all honesty, there will probably never be a 100% judgement free zone. But college is pretty close! In college, you become a lot more open minded-to everything. You have many people with varying opinions on all sorts of topics, but somehow it’s all okay. The openmindedness allows for friendships to blossom that probably wouldn’t in any other atmosphere.

All in all, I have nothing to complain about. Life is great! Life is very different now than it was a year ago, but it’s a good different.

To all my fellow college students, good luck on the upcoming finals! And to everyone in the Midwest, have a great blizzard day!

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