Take My Own Advice

How many times have you given advice and then later, when in the same situation, you don’t follow your own advice? Well, I did that.

Story Time:

So a few weeks ago, you may recall reading about it, I thought I had a migraine due to dehydration or weather changes. (My advice during this time was to listen to your body, stay hydrated, take care of yourself.)  The head pressure went away after a few days so I thought I had nothing to worry about. About a week later, I woke up to extremely puffy and swollen eyes. I attributed this to allergies, after all, I live in the Midwest and things get pretty crazy.

However, after 2 weeks of waking up to that EVERY SINGLE MORNING,  I concluded there might be more to the story. Last week was the week I decided something might actually be wrong with me. Now mind you, I take allergy medicine every morning along with vitamins twice a day. I was making an effort.

Last week, I spent about 2 1/2 days experiencing extreme nausea…not a fun time. But it went away. Something still felt off, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. I experienced several symptoms that could indicate mono, however while I was tired, it wasn’t the extreme dead feeling unique to mono. Sunday morning, I woke up with the least swelling around my eyes that I’d had this month, I felt MUCH better than I had the past two weeks, and I thought I was finally getting over it.  Although, I did have what I’ve heard some people refer to as “tonsil stones” that morning. Everyone had been on me about going to the doctor, but I decided that I felt so much better that there was no doubt I was on the upward climb. And my tonsils were probably just expelling all the bad that had accumulated in my body that past few weeks.

I was wrong.

Monday morning I woke up finding it a little difficult to swallow. My eyes were swollen again and my body was soooo tired. I was convinced I had mono, but for some reason I still couldn’t make myself go to the doctor. I decided I would wait a week to see if I got better (I was sure I would.) Tuesday was worse. So much worse. While brushing my teeth, I somehow managed to pop a pus pocket (sorry for the graphics) and I was spitting blood…I made my roommate take a picture of my throat and not much to my surprise my tonsils were pretty swollen and were starting to become covered with puss pockets. We had a game so I didn’t go to the doctor, in the back of my head I was still hoping that I would get over it. This morning I woke up in A LOT more pain. I could hardly swallow water and I decided I needed to take my own advice, and take care of myself. I decided to go to the doctor. When you see the picture, I’m sure you’ll agree.

You are very welcome for this wonderful image…

Now, figuring out a place to go is a whole other story, but I finally decided to go to the Minute Clinic at CVS. The doctor informed me that I had a sinus infection. Now, not everyone is sold on that diagnosis(they didn’t test me for strep at all), but that is what I’m being treated for. However, the important part of this story is that this was an ongoing sickness-a month of it! I probably could’ve prevented more than half of this if I’d taken some cold medicine whenever I first got the head pressure, a cough, and other symptoms that warned something was wrong. Instead of treating myself, I’m now on an antibiotic, over the counter decongestant, probiotic (to prevent unwanted bodily functions from the antibiotic) and lots and lots of cough drops. Oh well. And no, I probably still won’t want to go to the doctor next time either. 

Moral of the story, if you feel sick or wake up to weird symptoms multiple days in a row, get it checked out.

Also important: I feel like an official grown up after taking myself to the doctor and running around to pharmacys to get what I needed to take care of myself. And spending a crap ton of money doing it all.

Story time over.

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