So, where are we now?

College, during the strangest thing I’ve lived through, has been an experience…to say the least. If you didn’t see my last post about being quarantined, check it out! A little update for those of you wondering:

I was tested again (the test where they shove the swab up to your brain…well, it feels like it) 3 days after being quarantined. The next day we got a call from the health department asking if we had any symptoms, and the day after that, we got a call with our negative test results (EVERY SINGLE person they quarantined from that particular exposure tested negative). However, we were told we had to remain in quarantine for the full 14 days, which meant I remained in quarantine for another week and a half.

Since being released from quarantine, almost all the rules have changed. Taking from the experience of the most recent batch of quarantined college students here on campus, the CDC has now allowed some students to go home (something I was explicitly told I could NOT do) and they no longer recommend quarantining the full 14 days if you test negative and have no symptoms (which was where I was at). Do I feel a bit of anger regarding this? Sure. But I am happy to see that it appears to be “under control” on campus.

Well, on a completely unrelated note, here’s the monthly update of my door decs/bulletin boards I do as part of being an RA. These are pictures from August, and September updates will follow in a later post:

The theme for August was ‘tv shows.’ I chose Psych!
There’s a pineapple in every episode and on every door on my floor!

Flashback on February

Happy Leap Day! Today I am thankful for the beautiful sunshine and clear sky that let me do some homework outside (and get some much needed Vitamin D!) With that being said, February flew past me and this extra day has allowed me to soak in my February memories. I shared briefly in my last post about some girls on my floor who always go the extra mile. This month, I gave the whole floor the opportunity to share some love.

My February bulletin board.

My bulletin board this month allowed for girls to send each other some love. On Valentine’s day, someone even put candy in every envelope! Once again, I absolutely adore the culture these girls create on our floor and count myself lucky to be a part of it.

My door decs this month.

This month, the door decs were “lovebugs.”

Realizing how fast this month went past, I started to think. If one month went by this fast, the next two years of college is going to be done in the blink of an eye. And after that, life. My message today is to not let life pass you by. Go out and do something everyday, whether it’s just going on a walk and enjoying the beauty of creation, or going to Chick-fil-a with a friend. Make every day count.

None of us know how much time we have on this earth. Count your blessings each day, love those around you fiercly, and make each moment count.

Every day is an opportunity. What are you going to do with this one?

Spooky Season

I call this “Spooky Season” for many reasons. The obvious Halloween time but also, some recent activities in my life can only be described as spooky. For instance, the way my bank account is looking at this point in the semester…

Tears for being a broke college student aside, I wanted to share how my door decs and bulletin board turned out for this month. As an RA, we update our door decs and bulletin boards on a monthly basis. For October’s door decs, I decided to use different Halloween themed scrapbook paper, stencil one of four classic Halloween symbols on them, and then outline in purple glitter. Here’s my results:

For my bulletin board, I was originally planning on doing a 3D pumpkin patch, but after a few mess ups, I went in a different direction…

I know all of my stuff is Halloween themed, but if I’m being honest, Halloween is definitely not my favorite holiday. So of course, I added some fall touches to my room decor.

My “Hello Fall” sign on my door!
A cute reminder to be thankful that hangs right next to my desk!

And of course, the day I finally get around to posting all of my fun fall decorations, it SNOWS! I can see snow on the cars outside my window so I guess it’s a sign that I should go ahead as scheduled and put up my Christmas tree on November 1st…too soon?

Here We Go Again

I have officially been at college a week already! For the 2019-2020 school year, I am a Resident Assistant. This week has been full of all sorts of training to prepare me for any situation that might come up and lots of bonding with our fanastic group of RAs. We’ve had a lot of fun this week, but I know all of us are ready to have our residents here!

Week 1 of being an RA and I’ve already learned a lot and made so many memories. So much training ensued including Title IX, Step-Up (bystander) and CPR and AED, along with a test this morning to see what we learned. We decided themes for each dorm and more specific themes for each floor. We made door decorations, wall decorations, and we decorated bulletin boards. We checked each and every room to make sure they were in shape for the residents coming our way tomorrow. And tomorrow they will come.

My floor decorations had to be within the ‘camping’ theme of the whole dorm, so my residents get little RVs with their names on them.

We start our day not so bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at 7:15am tomorrow to get prepped for check-in for our fall athletes. The day will be spent moving in our new residents and helping with whatever needs done around campus. We’ll have our first floor meetings and get to meet the first round of our residents. The real test comes with duty.

All of the RAs make door decs for each other and a few of the ones on my door are pictured here.

Myself and another RA pulled duty for the first weekend and will therefore be keeping watch over the dorms until the wee hours of the morning. Wish us luck…

One of my wall decorations to help students find their way around ‘camp.’

Overall, I’m super excited for this year! So many changes occurred this year and I’m ready to take on being a Sophomore. The first day of classes is still a couple weeks away but I have to say, here we go again!