So, where are we now?

College, during the strangest thing I’ve lived through, has been an experience…to say the least. If you didn’t see my last post about being quarantined, check it out! A little update for those of you wondering:

I was tested again (the test where they shove the swab up to your brain…well, it feels like it) 3 days after being quarantined. The next day we got a call from the health department asking if we had any symptoms, and the day after that, we got a call with our negative test results (EVERY SINGLE person they quarantined from that particular exposure tested negative). However, we were told we had to remain in quarantine for the full 14 days, which meant I remained in quarantine for another week and a half.

Since being released from quarantine, almost all the rules have changed. Taking from the experience of the most recent batch of quarantined college students here on campus, the CDC has now allowed some students to go home (something I was explicitly told I could NOT do) and they no longer recommend quarantining the full 14 days if you test negative and have no symptoms (which was where I was at). Do I feel a bit of anger regarding this? Sure. But I am happy to see that it appears to be “under control” on campus.

Well, on a completely unrelated note, here’s the monthly update of my door decs/bulletin boards I do as part of being an RA. These are pictures from August, and September updates will follow in a later post:

The theme for August was ‘tv shows.’ I chose Psych!
There’s a pineapple in every episode and on every door on my floor!