The Bittersweet Three

I have officially entered into what I am dubbing, “The Bittersweet Three.” That is, the last three weeks of my college experience and the last three weeks at my student teaching placement.

I figured today is as good as any to reflect on this journey. College, well, it’s college. I haven’t really thought about the fact that I am actively embarking on many “lasts” until just recently. But soon, I will have slept my last night in my tiny dorm room on my lofted twin-size bed (what a shame…right?). I will leave my dorm room for the very last time and turn in my keys. I will drive past the fountain, down the brick road, past the place where Goose and I go on walks almost every afternoon. It’s a bittersweet feeling. It’s good to be done (and I am absolutely ready), but college will always hold a special place in my heart. It’s where I made some lifelong friends and where I formed relationships with my professors whom I will probably talk to long after I leave this place. But it is sweet because I know that my journey is just beginning.

Today also marks the beginning of the last three weeks I get to be with my obnoxious, loud, ornery, but absolutely loved fourth graders. Do they get on my nerves? Every. Single. Day. Would I pretty much do anything for them? Don’t even try me. It’s crazy how much you can love these kids for only 16 weeks but they have taught me more in this time than I could ever teach them.

As one of my professors always told me, teaching is an art. You are a performer. That is something I have found to be very true, but also, teaching is the type of career where sometimes, you care so much it hurts. These kids are not always perfect little angels, in fact, usually not, but I will miss them like crazy nevertheless. Bitter, because I will be losing the kids who taught me how to be a teacher. Sweet, because I know I’m better for it and I’ll be moving on to some sweet, sweet 2nd graders next year.

So here’s to the beginning of the Bittersweet Three. May I not take one single moment for granted.