Identity Crisis

Christianity in the Face of College Culture Series

Some time ago, I wrote an opening blog post for a series of discussions I wanted to have. I titled the post, Christianity in the Face of College Culture. I took the past few months to observe what I see in the “Christian Crowd” on campus and what I see in the crowd that doesn’t seem to conform to any particular belief system. Perhaps they see themselves as “spiritual.” What I’ve noticed is this: Christians, in college and in America, are going through an identity crisis.

You might be thinking, no I know who I am. Well, I thought that, too. As I was thinking that, some memories began to pop up in my head. Memories that, I confess, caused me to cringe and I felt convicted. When I was a sophomore in college (it seems forever ago, but it was only a year and a half), I went through some sort of inclusivity/diversity training. During the training, we were asked to do an exercise that, at the time, I didn’t really think all that much about. There was a picture of a human body, but it was blank, like a coloring page. We were asked to draw and write things on that body that would reflect who we were; our identity.

I don’t remember the order I drew or wrote these things, but I remember I included a crown (because I’m a daughter of THE King), some symbols of sports I played, things I liked to do, things that seem harmless. We talked about our identities in the group and we moved on. I didn’t think about it again for about a month, and then God. I know some of you understand the type of moment I’m talking about when I say “and then God.” I was sitting in my best friend’s basement and we were talking about the crazy trainings that our colleges have put us through. She then began to describe the EXACT same exercise that I had done a month before. And then, she said something that hit me, HARD.

She told me that she wrote something along the lines of “saved by God, redeemed, child of God,” something to show her identity was found in Christ. And that was all she put. She went on to say that she, and one other girl, were the only ones who wrote that in the whole group of people doing the activity. She was horrified that so many people found their identities elsewhere.

I tell that story because I think that is one of, if not the, root of some of the issues in not only college culture, but in Christian culture. If you are a follower of Christ, THAT is your identity. It’s not your sexuality, it’s not your gender, your family members, your job, your hobbies, your political party….no. Friend, your identity, if you truly are a Christian, is found in Christ, and Christ alone.

Now, I am all too guilty of finding my identity elsewhere. The Holy Spirit has convicted me time and again that I am finding my purpose in my grades, in my job, in my friendships. So, if that’s you, let’s work together to remind our brothers and sisters in Christ of who we belong to. We don’t belong to our jobs, our political parties, or even our families; we belong to Christ.

Last night, I was watching a video involving progressive Christianity and it scared me. It confirmed for me that there is indeed an Identity Crisis, not only in college culture but in the Church in America. Here’s my question to you: how do we, as followers of Christ, stand true in our identity, spread Christ’s love and gospel, and defend the truth of the Bible? How do we live it out?