25 Things to Do in Quarantine

Okay, I miss college. I miss my friends, going to physical classes, and all of the extra stuff that comes with being a college student. But, if I’m home, I’m going to make the best of it. I’ve seen many, many people say they are actually tired of watching Netflix, Disney+, etc. And I have to admit, when I binge watch something on a normal day, it’s relaxing but now? Nope. I want to go walk through Target or dream about how I’ll decorate my house in Hobby Lobby. Unfortunately, that won’t be happening right now. So, without further adieu, I present 50 things you can do in quarantine that won’t just end up with you in front of the tv screen (unproductively, anyway)…

1. Cook/bake something new

This is something that I myself have been a BIG fan of, particularly…CAKE! It’s fun to find new recipes, work on my frosting skills (which are not that great much to my disappointment), and force my little sister to do it with me šŸ™‚ It’s a blast and it’s productive. Only one downfall, dishes.

2. Write

Writing is something that I love to do, but even if you aren’t a writer, try it! Document your experience of quarantine, let your imagination run wild with the end of the world scenarios, learn how to do fancy handwriting techniques, JUST WRITE! Writing is a great escape.

3. Games

Now, I’m sure this is something that people have definitely turned to. Our family personally has been on a card game kick, and we LOVE Uno and Skip-Bo. If you’re bored with the games you’ve been playing, look a new card game OR get creative and make up a new one!

4. Clean

I know, I know…clean? But being stuck inside is a great time to finally realize all the things we have in our houses that we don’t actually use. Use this time to sort through your closet, dust the ceiling fan (I know you need to do that), actually deep clean the bathroom, wipe down the baseboards, clean all the windows you can reach, the things to be cleaned are endless!

5. Groom Your Own Dog

Now, I’m sure that’s not one you’ve heard out there a lot. It’s also probably true that you don’t have the typical dog grooming tools. But, if you’re not afraid to make mistakes, give your dog a bath, get some scissors, and start clipping. Don’t worry if you mess up, no one will know for at least two more weeks.

6. Read

Yes, yes, I know, READ! If you have that long pile of books in your house that you’ve been neglecting, tackle it! While the libraries might be closed, try online alternatives available on phones, computers, and kindles. A simple google search or look at your library’s website will most likely give you access. And if you are so inclined, Barnes & Noble (and I’m sure many others) run specials weekly for cheap books $2.99 and under.

7. Order Take-Out

In a time like this, supporting businesses (especially local) is crucial for these businesses to make it through this time. A lot of them are even running specials so you might get a great deal! Of course, follow protocol and social distance.

8. Puzzles

If you’re anything like my family, you have a whole cabinet full of puzzles. Use this time to break them out and get solving!

9. Learn a New Language

I’m not naive enough to think we can actually learn a whole language during the quarantine, but I do know you can get a good start! Personally, I started learning American Sign Language about a year ago but was struggling to devote time to learn more. Quarantine has given me the perfect opportunity to keep working at it.

10. Extravagant Makeup Looks

With all of this free time and nowhere to go, what better idea than to break out the makeup and finally be able to dip your brush in that bright blue color you never use.

11. Let Your Body Heal

Okay, so this next one might not be for everyone. What I mean by “heal” is to allow your body to return to its natural process for cleaning itself without the interference of shampoo and conditioner, deodorant, or caked-on makeup. Now is the perfect time to acclimate your hair to only being washed once a week, or less. Or begin switching to a natural or aluminum-free deodorant. Alternatively, let your skin take a break from the foundation you put on every day and breathe.

12. Make Your Own Earrings

I found this idea several weeks ago and fell in love with the outcome. All you need is polymer clay and the jewelry clasps needed to make whatever kind of earrings you prefer. After rolling, shaping, and decorating your clay, poke holes at the top/bottom for the clasps to go through. Then bake! I baked mine at 275 degrees Fahrenheit for about 15 minutes.

13. Knit, Sew, Crochet

Any of these could be very helpful to essential workers during this time, so if you already know how to knit, sew, or crochet, you could work to make masks, ear protectors, etc. If you don’t know how now is (once again) the perfect time to learn!

14. Go For a Walk, Bike, or Scooter Ride

Yes, you read that right. Scooter. In my family, we go on many walks anyway. We decided to get creative and started bringing our scooters along. Believe me, it’s an experience you won’t forget.

15. Make Your Own Play-doh or Cloud Dough

While I, personally, have not made this, it seems like an activity that kids would really enjoy doing. I’ve seen some recipes for cloud dough that are super simple and make a good smelling dough that isn’t sticky at all! Again, the internet probably has tons of recipes!

16. Learn How to Solve a Rubics Cube

This idea, courtesy of my brother, is a great one if you just feel you aren’t being challenged enough.

17. Learn How to Change a Tire

If you don’t know how to change a tire, or maybe change your oil, now is a time where we don’t really need to drive anywhere which means your car is available for you to work on.

18. Mushroom Hunting

Fortunately (haha!) quarantine is falling right during mushroom season here in the Midwest. Grab a bag, head out to the timber, and find yourself some dinner! If you’ve never hunted/cooked mushrooms before, you’ll want to soak them in salt water for about 15 minutes before frying ’em up!

19. Make Bracelets

This one is something my sister has been doing lately. Gather your string and start your chosen method of braiding. You could have one for each of your friends by the time this is over!

20. Go Fishing

Here in the Midwest, many people are breaking out the fishing poles and heading to the ponds/lakes. Fishing is a great day to work on expanding your attention span šŸ˜‰

21. Start Bullet Journaling

Now is the free time you’ve been waiting for! Harness those creative juices and spend some time detailing or planning out your bullet journal. Maybe you’ll even use your fancy new handwriting techniques.

22. Workout/ Work on Flexibility

You literally have no excuses to not work out right now. The internet is swarming with at-home, no equipment workouts. If you want something slower pace, do yoga. If you want to get your heart rate up, find a HITT workout. You could even do one with the whole family. The options are endless!

23. Be Artistic

Draw, color, paint, whatever it is, harness your inner artist. Chances are, you have at least one pencil and piece of paper lying around in your house. Paint a flower pot or your water bottle. Take some time and see what you can do!

24. DIY Home Improvements

If you’ve been meaning to work on something in your house, now is the time. Paint those cabinets, replace that one door, repaint a room…

25. Make Breakfast for Your Family

This will give you a reason to get up before 2 pm! Plan out an elaborate (or not) breakfast for your whole family, and serve it to them however you so choose.

*Bonus: Take Time to Read Your Bible and Pray

Again, no excuses! This is a perfect opportunity to spend more time in prayer and to find your way around the Bible. Watch online church on Sundays and check-in on friends, family, and neighbors.

Hopefully these ideas were helpful and gave you some more ideas! I know I’ve seen several of these out there on the internet, but sometimes seeing someone else’s ideas helps you piggyback and come up with your own. So, go crazy! Enjoy the time you get to spend with your housemates right now and plan for the best time ever once we get out of quarantine.