Busy Bee

This might be weird, but I am happiest with a busy schedule.

For a lot of people, being busy just means stress. While it sometimes does for me too, I walked out of a meeting today feeling motivated. Having a full schedule is actually a good thing.

Why? A full schedule keeps you active and interactive with people, which is actually very important. Being active with people during my day just helps me to feel so much more involved in school and in the lives of people around me.

I am a planner by nature. I love to have everything written out, color coded, and highlighted if extremely important. When my planner is full of meetings and my to-do list is overflowing, that is when I am the most productive. I don’t know why, but it just is that way.

I know the end of the school year is quickly approaching for many of us, so I wanted to send a little encouragement to current college students, high school seniors, and anybody else who might need it.

Get involved. Being involved is going to be one of the best things that ever happened to you. You meet new people, have experiences you never otherwise would, and you can impact others.

At the beginning of this school year, my university put on an activities and clubs fair where we could walk around to sign up for different clubs. I signed up for a number of them and being involved in those has led me to many friendships, as well as involving me in things I wouldn’t otherwise consider.

So incoming college freshman, sign up for the clubs. You don’t have to do all of them, but you might find that you’ll meet your people there.

For my busy self, I ended up getting involved in things for next year that I hadn’t really considered before connections made through other clubs.

Next year, I’m going to be a Resident Assistant, which basically means I’m in charge of a floor of one of the dorms. Before being involved with ResLife, I would NEVER have considered signing up for that. We have to come early, we are responsible for the actions of our residents, and we have to go through a lot of training for potentially bad situations. But, I decided to step out of my comfort zone.

Next year, I’m also going to be the Student Government Seceretary. It’s not a huge position, but it means I am on the Executive Board for SGA, and therefore am in charge of a lot of things on campus. I’ll be adding these to my plate next year, on top of all the other clubs I’m currently involved in.

The moral of this story is, GET INVOLVED. And if you’re school doesn’t have something you want to be in, start your own club! I promise you, being involved makes your school experience at least 10x better.