
Yesterday evening I had the privilege to see an early screening of a new movie, Unplanned. This movie comes out on Friday, March 29.

Whatever side you’re on, abortion is a hugely talked about and disputed issue. Both sides have so many reasons for thinking their way is the right way, which results in a lot of fights, hurt feelings, and sometimes even the loss of relationships. Whichever side of the debate you’re on, I highly recommend you go see this movie. The sad thing about it is that it is based on a true story, the story of Abby Johnson. It becomes much more real when you put a face to the cause, as one of my professors would say.

Abby’s story is incredibly hard to hear. I believe her story is relatable to many women out there facing this, and that’s part of what makes the movie and her story so sad.

Why is it so hard to watch? Reality. Reality slaps you in the face from the first 15 minutes of the movie. Unplanned shows the truth. And many people are unprepared to face it. Many choose to ignore it, excuse it, or simply are too naive to realize. As Abby herself says, many women really are that gullible. The sad truth of today is that a lot of people will believe what you tell them provided it sounds reasonable and you might have something to back it up. But is it factual? Is it true?

Unplanned is a rated R film, for violence. That says a lot right there. I was sitting in a theater full of people, and there were tears streaming down my face. This movie broke my heart. It broke my heart because this actually happens, because people don’t know, or they do and choose to push it to the back of their heads.

Again, I highly recommend that you go see this movie. It doesn’t matter which side of the debate you’re on, it’s just one of many women’s stories.

My own opinion? I am pro-life. Unashamed. I have heard and come to despise the saying, “My body, my choice.” Why? It’s not true. It is not you who is dying. It is not your body being torn apart limb by limb and sucked into a tube. It is not your body being chemically flushed out of the only home and safe place you have. It is not your body, so why should it be your choice?

Psalm 139:13-16 “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”


Hello everyone! Long time, no blog…

My spring break ended yesterday and sadly, I had to resume classes today. Over spring break I realized that the time I spend in furthering my education will be over before I know it. On the way to class a couple weeks ago, there was some loose change on the ground. I stopped abruptly and picked it up because, ya know, poor college students and all….

I realized something as I was doing that. Picking up loose change is SO easy and for me, an attractive way to get easy money. It might not seem like it amounts to anything, but after four years at college it might. I have a jar on my desk with loose change that I have picked up only on my campus from last semester. $5.86. By no means does that make me rich, and $5 a semester over four years only gets me $40 but honestly, that’s pretty good money for not doing anything.

That chance at $40 is something that drives me to continue picking up the loose change I find-that and the fact that I’m a saver when it comes to money and will do everything in my power to keep saving. But what if I (and you) looked at picking up trash as profitable? What if everyone picked up trash (or other things not intended to be blowing around in the wind) with the same attitude we use when picking up loose change?

Think about the feeling you have when you find a dollar on the ground. You feel pretty good, right? It’s only a dollar but it’s one more dollar than you had. If we had that mentality about cleaning up the world around us, we’d live in a cleaner place. It might just be a little bit cleaner, but a little bit more than it would’ve been…

Food for thought today. Why not be the change? Pick up loose change and trash. Make a difference. I believe that everyone wants to make a difference in the world in some way. Do the little things, and you will. Growing up in sports I was taught that the little things matter. I truly believe that doing the small, menial tasks really will make a difference in the world.

And hey, you might find an extra $5 along the way!