February Focus <3

It’s February and we all know what that means. Memes start circling around about not having a valentine, people become obnoxious about not needing a valentine, and so on. I know I’m not the only one that gets annoyed by those things…

Every month I try to make a list of goals I want to accomplish for that month (a habit I highly recommend to everyone). This month, as I was going through my goals, I realized there was a common theme that I’m sure many people would find if they did the same thing. All of my goals were centered around self-love. I thought to myself, what if instead of complaining on social media about being valentineless (let’s be honest, yes, it is complaining), everyone kept a list of things they loved about themselves for the whole month of February, adding a new thing each day?

The idea sounded great to me. I started a journal just for this list and decided since it’s February 4th, I have to catch up by writing 4 things I love about myself. The first thing on the list was easy-everyone has something about them that they get complimented on or that they have always loved about themselves. But the second thing was harder. The third was even harder. And the fourth thing, I really had to think about!

I know I’m not the only one who has this issue, and that’s why I think this self-love list is so important. It’s something that is private, you don’t need to show anyone. If you love it about yourself, that’s all that matters, add it to the list! I know others will struggle to find things about themselves that they love too, but by the end of this challenge, I truly think I, and anyone else that does it, will look at myself differently than I do right at this very moment.

Life is full of changes and transitions. Why not transition into loving yourself? Why not find strength in who you are? Why not change your way of thinking so that you don’t need someone else’s approval? That is what this February Focus is all about. LOVE WHO YOU ARE.

Here’s an idea list to get you started:

  1. I love my (physical attribute)
  2. I love my (ability)
  3. I love my (ideas)
  4. I love my (something unique to you)

And I know someone out there will think to themselves that there’s nothing about them to love. I disagree. You are fearfully and wonderfully made, don’t you ever forget it. You are loved more than you can ever comprehend.

Psalm 139:14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

One thought on “February Focus <3”

  1. Reagan, I like your idea of self love! When we have no self worth or self love, we aren’t able to function in the right way and make bad decisions! People without good self love sometimes try to make other people look bad, hoping to look better themselves. I love your bible verse and it is so true!

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