‘Twas the Week Before Finals

‘Twas the week before finals, when all through the dorms

All the creatures were studying, until they were worn!

The clothes were packed up, in the car without much care

In hopes that the end of finals week soon would be there;

The students were nestled all snug in their rooms

while math equations and proper citations danced the song of doom;

And my roommate in fuzzy socks, and I in my Grinch shirt,

Had just settled in for a long night of studying trying to become experts.

When out in the hall, there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.

Away to the door I tip-toed kind of slow,

Turned the door knob and threw open the door.

The girls of fourth floor

Were shouting and dancing galore.

When what to my wondering eyes did appear,

But a normal-sized sled, and a girl fighting tears.

The girl was laughing and headed for the door,

I knew in a moment I must follow to see more.

She zipped down the staircase, and out of the dorm

Calling out names as she destroyed social norms.

“Now Hannah, now Erin, now Gabi and Reagan!

C’mon Anna, let’s go Lauryn, get Shannon and Megan!

To the top of the hill, right in front of the dorm,

Let’s sled and race down it to see who can perform!”

And I awoke the next morning, only to find

That I dreamt it all, dreaming the whole time.

So I rubbed my eyes, and got ready for class,

Because finals week was yet to be had!

Good look to all the students who were lucky/unlucky enough to have this be their finals week! But to those students in the same boat as I am, let us not procrastinate and actually study this week…

One Week before finals So it Begins - One Week before finals So it Begins  So it begins