Only One More Week?

One week stands before me and college. One week. For some students, they’ll be moving into an apartment or staying at home. I move in a little bit earlier than most college freshman because I’m playing volleyball. This day has been creeping up on me throughout the summer, sort of like the piles of dorm stuff sitting around my house. 

Also piling up is the list of things I still need to get and things I still need to do, like get tape for my tape dispenser and pack my clothes. The problem with such tasks is that I am an overthinker by nature. Anytime we leave for vacation, I get out my binder where I plan out exactly what I am bringing down to how many hair ties to put in my bag. While on the surface this sounds very organized, in situations where I will be gone for longer than a week, it creates pages of chaos. This is one such case.

True, I am only going about 45 minutes away. However, the first month (at least) of my college experience will be filled with weekend volleyball tournaments and, of course, adjusting to the new atmosphere. Because of this, I don’t know when I’ll be able to come home and stay (aka bring all my clothes home so Mom can do laundry and I can switch to winter stuff). As an overthinker, I don’t like not knowing. I need the details. And, I am most likely overthinking how busy I’ll actually be.

Unfortunately, no, the toy horse will not be accompanying me to college. 

If the overthinker in you is wondering what I plan to do about this “dilemma,” here’s the answer: I’m going to bring multi-functional clothing that will last me through blazing hot or hoodie weather. Seems pretty obvious, but we overthinkers tend to avoid the obvious until the last possible moment. Throughout the time where I might be able to sneak home to watch my brother’s football games, I can just bring and switch out things that I can’t wear anymore because of the weather. Simple, I know. I would also show you my packing list, but surprisingly, I don’t have it made yet.

My advice to those of you going to college is this: have the major items (bedding, laptop, etc.) already bought when you get to the week-before mark. It will make the whole process so much easier than going to the nearest Wal-Mart on move-in day to get a comforter. The littler things can be accumulated throughout the week, and then semester, as you need them. Most people shop throughout the summer for these things so it’s not a problem at all come move-in time. Prepared=less stress.

One thing that I have been working all summer to prepare is myself. It sounds cliché, but it’s true. I will be going from a full size bed to a twin XL (first world problems). I’ll go from having my own room, to sharing. Due to the lack of space in a dorm, I’ll have to change some of my routines to be more considerate of both my roommate and suitmates. It is going to be quite the adjustment. To be honest, I’m actually looking forward to all of this, though. I’m gonna meet lots of new people, have a new volleyball family, and experience things that I never could by staying at home or not even going to college. Sure, I’m gonna miss what I’ve been surrounded with my entire life. But there comes a time when we all start a new journey, separate from what we know. That’s part of growing up, right?