What is The Grow Up Project?

Hey there! My name is Reagan. I graduated from high school in May and now I’m two weeks away from moving into my dorm for college. I’ve been thinking about all the new stuff I have to buy, the new people I’m gonna meet, the general “newness” of what’s about to happen to me. This afternoon was when it finally hit me. I can’t be the only one feeling a tad (okay, super) overwhelmed about starting this whole college thing. So I decided I would do what I’ve been hoping to do for several years now: start a blog. Hopefully, this blog will help others by sharing my experiences, failures and successes. We all have to grow up, whether we want to or not. Now, not to say that growing up is a bad thing, you can make it awesome!

I am only 18, so clearly I don’t have a lot of “life advice” to give. My hope is that through The Grow Up Project, you’ll get to compare what I’m going through to your own experiences. In a way, we’ll become friends! I’ll be giving you all sorts of advice for the upcoming events in life (the ones I’ve gone through anyway). On top of that, I’ll share some of my tips for living your life the best way you can. This means lots of posts involving things I love that have helped me so far (let’s face it, there will probably be lots of stuff about food).  It can be a crazy world out there so we’ve got to stick together, right?

So what are you waiting for? Let’s start growing up!

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